“We are embedding health and well-being at the heart of our business strategy because our people are our greatest asset, and we recognize that a healthy, happy and committed workforce is vital to our business success.”
Creating a culture of wellness is integral. Wellness must be a part of modern business strategy.
Building a Robust Wellness Culture
The pandemic has changed the way we work: perhaps forever. Employees now work longer hours, are less likely to take a break and feel altogether more stressed and isolated .
With Work from Home and hybrid models the new norm, professional and social working hours have blurred into one.​
The recent impact of COVID has again highlighted the need to monitor employee wellness on an ongoing basis. Now, more multinational organisations are including a wellness topic in their annual social responsibility reports, and 93% of these emphasised their commitment to improving the health of their employees.
Why is employee wellbeing so vital?
Having an effective wellness culture in place at work delivers greater benefits to employees, while also enabling them to engage more closely with their organisation’s mission and goals.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that depression and anxiety cost the global economy $1 trillion per year in lost productivity.
In 2018, 114 million working days were lost due to employee absenteeism, with stress and mental health illness cited as the main contributing factors. remotely ?
ACAS says that ‘stress can affect people physically too, in the form of heart disease, back pain and alcohol and drug dependency.’
Digital Ocean found that
of remote tech workers in the U.S. felt burnt out
reporting that they worked longer hours remotely than they did in the office.
How can we ensure that people stay productive and happy? To not only survive... but thrive?
The business benefits of focusing on wellbeing
A well-considered wellbeing strategy can make all the difference: ultimately reducing absenteeism while improving job satisfaction, productivity and retention. It is even more successful when it includes a variety of stimulating programs and activities to which everyone involved can contribute.
That is why employee wellness programmes have become “de facto” in many companies as a means to attract top talent and keep employees happy and productive. This has resulted in increased employee retention and fewer sickness absences.
Indeed, one of the positive side effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the increase in employer-led efforts to support mental health.
In a recent Economist Intelligence Unit study regarding the reach and impact of wellness programs, 71% of employees agreed that wellness programs had a positive impact on lowering stress levels.
The business case is clear: in the UK, for every £1 spent on employee wellness activities, the organisation received £4.17 in programme benefits (PWC). According to the Harvard Business Review, employee wellness programmes deliver measurable returns including a 3-1 return in money saved. The WHO also found that for every $1 spent treating common mental health concerns, there is a corresponding return of $4 in improved health and productivity.
Our comprehensive wellness services are designed to help business and their employees work together to achieve their joint wellness goals. They include:
Diagnostics: to assess employee wellness and develop programmes to mitigate risks
Company Wide Wellness Programmes: to successfully develop a complete Wellness Strategy with activity plans and KPIs
Tailored Wellness Support Services: to enhance wellness initiatives, such as corporate wellness coaching and workshops on stress management, mindfulness, nutrition awareness
Why focus on employee wellness?
We have already highlighted the alarming statistics on employee stress, anxiety and burnout, the cost to businesses and the benefits of wellness programmes to mitigate these. But how aware are you of whether your employees and how many, are experiencing any of these symptoms?
Psychological symptoms
Persistently worrying about several areas that are out of proportion to the impact of the events
Overthinking plans and solutions to all possible worst-case outcomes
Perceiving situations and events as threatening, even when they aren't
Difficulty handling uncertainty Indecisiveness and fear of making the wrong decision
Inability to set aside or let go of a worry, feeling restless, and on edge
Having difficulty concentrating
Physical symptoms
Feeling fatigue
Having trouble sleeping
Muscle tension or muscle aches
Trembling, feeling twitchy
Being overly nervous or easily startled
A great number of employees haven’t got the tools and resources to effectively cope with stress, and burnout, anxiety. Also, stress studies reports that managers are not equipped to spot the above early warning signs to mitigate the serious impact these have on the employee and the business.
These work-related health-promotion programmes, activities, initiatives and policies encourage healthy behaviours and outcomes, with tangible benefits for the employee and the company.
OUR SOLUTIONS : These can be developed and implemented on one of the three following ways
Done For You: we assess your current situation and provide you with a corporate wellness programme that can be implemented by you
Done With You: we work side by side with you to provide a highly tailored solution
Bespoke: As above plus bundles of coaching hours, workshops and on-going monitoring and improvement support
All our engagements start with the use of our diagnostic tool to assess and identify your needs and your employees’ and benchmark your organisational wellness. We then prepare an employee and company wellness strategy and activity plan with KPIs.
We will then work with you in one of the three ways, to ensure successful initial implementation and ongoing successful monitoring of the KPIs
According to Charles Benayon (2019) ‘if an organisation wants to ensure that they are valuing the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of their employees, KPIs are a sustainable source for measurement, as well as for highlighting any potential areas for improvement’.
Enablers for effective wellness programmes need to focus on both improving the health and wellbeing of employees and also achieve organisational change and development.
Before implementing or improving an existing programme:
· A ·
Assess the wider business case for a workplace wellness programme
· B ·
Consider the economic business case for developing a wellness programme
· C ·
Provide a framework for programme implementation and management
Currently, over 40% of companies don’t evaluate or monitor their programme’s performance or end up analysing the wrong data. As a result, relatively few organisations end up with a complete and accurate overview of their programme performance.
Understand the wellness services currently offered and how they are meeting employee needs
How we can help
Rapid diagnostics and assessments
We provide automated business diagnostics for organisations to understand how they are currently performing in a specific area (for example, ethics). Within these, we provide a snapshot of and recommendations for Ethics, Sales and Marketing, Coaching and Wellbeing activities to improve results and bridge any outstanding gaps.
Our diagnostics enable employee anonymity but also allow organisations to:
Detect potential risks for wellbeing and mental health
Regularly review and benchmark the wellbeing and mental health of employees
Develop tailored programmes to take corrective actions and boost employee wellbeing
Keep up to date with new initiatives to improve employee wellbeing
Other services: Wellness Coaching
Coaching programmes in general, deliver several valuable benefits for organisations:
of organisations can achieve their goals faster and better - with more clarity in their decision-making
of organisations believe they have higher self-esteem
lowered their
stress levels
Our Coaching Offer
We offer three formats of coaching: one to one, group coaching and workshops and training.
Our coaching practice focuses on helping employees discover and embrace the best version of oneself, growth in personal development, and overcoming obstacles and limiting beliefs, releasing the potential of the individual. Our coaching:
Helps and guides the client to set goals and achieve them
Provides focus to obtain results effectively and efficiently
Provides tools, support and structure to achieve their goals
Motivates the client to act and critically think towards the achievement of their goals.
Example of some of our coaching topics are: stress management, managing anxiety at work, managing conflicts at work, work/life balance, how to thrive in a hybrid working environment.
Our Theapies Offer
We work with corporate organisations to help their employees maintain and improve their health and mental wellness goals and make better choices based on their lifestyles. This helps them adopt and maintain healthy behaviours.
Well-being coaching services covers physical (exercise and nutrition), mental and emotional health. During each session, we identify and explore unhealthy habits and behaviours together, before setting clear goals to achieve a happier, healthier lifestyle.
Life coaching sessions are highly effective in helping clients achieve their specific professional or personal goals. During each session, we identify and explore limiting beliefs and behaviours together, which are causing them pain and challenges.
This approach can help individual employees to cope better with their personal lives with stress factors like financial worries, bereavement, and changes in life circumstances such as divorce, relationships, uncertainly and isolation, using coping techniques such as mindfulness.
NLP is a well-known technique for achieving positive change. NLP uses modelling methodology, self-awareness, and effective communication to change patterns associated with negative emotional and mental behaviours.
This reprogramming enables people to achieve greater success through more effective self-management, resilience, improved communication and influence over other people, by using proven de-coding patterns to improve behaviours that are causing issues.
Coaching sessions typically last 50 minutes. They can be in-person or online.
Our coaches are trained in psychological safety.
One of our associates is also trained in CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) so is able to conduct one-to-one stress and anxiety assessments for tailored wellness programmes, and is also a Stress Management practitioner.